B1628AC Deodorant cream 40ml, Active

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Florex deodorant cream "Active" - a special highlight in terms of freshness and care.

Sporty and fresh with a hint of aloe vera.

It reliably prevents unwanted odour, does not clog the pores and has an antiseptic effect. As an added bonus, it moisturises and has a soothing effect on sensitive skin.

With shea butter, coconut oil, cocoa butter, almond oil, zinc.

In the practical, handy tin with additional hygiene cover.

Free from aluminium salts, preservatives, palm oil and alcohol.


Made in Austria

Gentle to the skin, very economical and absorbs quickly. With moisturising shea butter, coconut oil, cocoa butter and almond oil.

Fragrance: neutral

Text source: Florex

Germany/ Austria 3-5 days                                                                                                                          Europe 3-7 days                                                                                                                                                 Overseas 10 - 14 days

Gerlinde Hofer - Florex GmbH

Niederbrunnernstraße 13
4522 Sierning / AUSTRIA
E-Mail: office@florex.at

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